Workplace safety

Pike River Mine: Bring them home

Felicity Lamm

Most New Zealanders of a certain age will remember the Erebus Disaster. As now, there was also a great deal of discussion around whether or not the recovery of the victims of the 1979 Mt Erebus plane crash was either possible or safe for a recovery team. The National Government

How Are We Measuring Up?

Felicity Lamm

For more than a hundred years most aspects of occupational health and safety (OHS) in New Zealand and elsewhere have been treated as a matter for state intervention. Traditionally there has been an expectation shared by workers, employers, and the general community that in matters concerning the health and safety

The Links Between Bad Labour Laws and Poor Safety Practices

Gordon Campbell

By co-incidence, one of the prime dangers of the government’s new employment relations law has been underlined by the release of the death and injury statistics among workers at New Zealand ports. These are highly profitable enterprises for the port owners. The Port of Tauranga for instance, is expecting its